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Spanking and Bondage Magazines


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Nov 17, 2019
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Barbary Slavedriver is Allan Aldiss’s fourth, and perhaps most popular, book in the Barbary saga about the erotic adventures of Rory Fitzgerald, a young British officer in the service of the Turkish Sultan in North Africa during the Napoleonic Wars. However it is now almost unobtainable and we are therefore now offering it to our clients for downloading.
In this well researched story, Rory is dragged away from the delights of his harem to explore the possibility of sending his Janissaries to keep order amongst some tribes in the interior whilst their Emir goes on a pilgrim- age to Mecca.
But the Emir has bought a former Mistress of Rory’s in London, who together her daughter and maid servant, had been captured by the Barbary pirates ... unknowingly he has sex with his former girl friend and her daugh- ter and then has to witness their mating. Later trying to get them for himself, Rory finds himself taking a boat load of white slaves to Egypt...
This is another of Allan Aldiss adventure stories featuring harems, black eunuchs, forced breeding, female galley slaves, the effects of female circumcision, Egyptian cotton plantations employing white women slaves and above all, white slave dealers and their breeding establishments.


I t is 1809 and the Napoleonic Wars have been rag- ing for some fifteen years and will continue for
another six.
Rory Fitzgerald, late of His Britannic Majesty’s Foot Guards, is now Hussein Bey and Commander of the Turkish Janissaries in Marsa, the only port in North Africa still under direct Turkish rule. He is enjoying the delights of his harem and of his inshore galliot that is pulled by captured European female galley slaves.
Meanwhile, an old flame of Rory’s from London, the widowed Mrs Amanda Forsyth, had been captured off Gibraltar by Barbary Corsairs, financed by Hassan, the leading slave dealer in Tunis. She had been on her way to Sicily to join her betrothed, Colonel Forsyth of the 38th Foot, part of the British Army in Sicily.
Amanda was a strikingly attractive blond woman of thirty five, tall and buxom with a slender waist and dancing eyes.
Travelling with her was her pretty and vivacious daughter, Diana, scarcely more than a schoolgirl, whom Amanda was hoping to marry off soon. The family likeness between mother and daughter was strong, though Diana’s figure was not yet so well developed. However, Amanda had thought that with her huge soft eyes and her long, honey coloured hair, she would soon melt the heart of many a young British
subaltern in Sicily – and indeed of many a Sicilian aristocrat, too. But, she had been captured with her mother.
Also captured by the Corsairs was Amanda’s pretty, red-haired, Scottish maidservant, Jeannie.
Although British citizens were supposed to be exempt from being enslaved the Barbary Corsairs, the three women were such a valuable catch that such mere technicalities were swept aside. They were, therefore, all taken to Hassan’s school of love and slave breeding farm in Tunis.
The long established House of Hassan was proud of its tradition that all the white slave-girls it sold had been at least partially circumcised to increase their value – and, Amada, Diana and Jeannie were no exception.
The cruel Emir of Gondah had decided go on the Hajj in a year’s time and had sent his chief black eunuch to Tunis to buy European slavegirls for his harem whom he would also take with him to sell on the journey to keep in funds. To avoid being struck down by water- borne diseases during the crowded Hajj, he had also decided to take his own supply of milk – milk from these white slavegirls whom he would previously have had covered by his Black Guards.
Makumo bought all three British women for his Master


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Nov 17, 2019
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JA_083.zip (62.7 MB)

Mosquito Swamp Penitentiary, December 1992
Governor Dalton looked at his watch. Just after eleven ... it was late, but no one was waiting for him. Belen, his daughter, was in Conchacabana working as a tourist guide. His wife Leonor had left him some years before.
Outside Mosquito Swamp, no one was waiting for Governor Dalton...
The Governor stood up, combed his thick, lank, greasy hair, did up his flies and put on his cartridge belt.
Lidia, the brunette, the whore they’d just pulled in, would be ready by now...
She’d been in quarantine for twenty-four hours and had already received two visitors, two of his prison guards.
He pulled aside the iron manhole cover. Large jet-black eyes, wide open, looked up in terror and then closed, blinded by the sudden light...
Governor Dalton licked his lips. Lidia was chained by the neck to a ring in the floor. Her dress was ripped, her arms were tied back behind her shoulders and her wrists were tied to the collar round her neck.

Down in the cellar
Meanwhile, down in the cellar, time passed slowly for Belen among the rats. She had no feeling in her arms or shoulders and a piece of tyre over her nose was making it difficult for her to breathe.
Pure, simple torture...
Pure, simple terror...
She had lost a lot of water sweating and crying, and she was thirsty. She would have given anything for a chilly can of coke or a simple glass of water.
She was also hungry. She felt miserable. On two occasions she had to dirty her panties because she had no way of taking them down...
Would they leave her there to rot?
Would they let her die of thirst?
Two days had passed since she met the sinister couple. Almost two days stuck in a toilet in stinking excrement and urine.
Half unconscious from exhaustion and pain, she dimly heard the basement door open. Footsteps ... the bolt...
And a familiar voice.
“How are you doing, darling? Phew! You do smell a bit, if I may say so...”
Belen groaned, shouted, begged...
Lidia took her out of the toilet, pulling on the chain as if she was


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Nov 17, 2019
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JA_084.zip (244.51 MB)

Somewhere in Germania, 95 AD
Bruna: "Oh my fellow wolf-girls, what is happening? I swear that I was told that by taking this forest trail we women could evade the oncoming Roman column while the men put up a fight. But the Romans were waiting for us! We were betrayed. Now they have taken all that I have, stripped me naked and put me in chains. There is no escape! They will take us all away! I am sorry dear friends. What have I done? I have led you and everyone else into Roman slavery. I know not exactly what that means. I fear what they will do to us?"
Tofa (girl in mid-right, manacled arms raised and spread): "Don’t let them see you’re afraid, Bruna, remember we’re of the Wolf Tribe, our brave brothers are dead, we’re the only ones left. It’ll be hard, but we’re strong, we’re tough, we’ll take anything they do to us. For now, just obey – hold your arms up, see how Ava’s been tied, they want to haul us up onto their horses!"


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Nov 17, 2019
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JA_085.zip (146.8 MB)

African Torture


The setting is an emergent, central African state. The country has suffered a series of internal conflicts and increasingly inept and corrupt governments since independence. Some ten years ago the military took over. Since then the regime has become increasingly corrupt and repressive. Power lies in the hands of an army junta that rules with the support of the armed forces.
The junta's secret police force is the notorious and hated ISB, the Internal Security Bureau. Immune from court or legal interference, the ISB uses a mix of informers, intimidation and physical torture to deal with anyone daring to object to the regime's excesses.
Two men, General Jonas Achebe and Internal Security Minister Oliver Tembo, control the ISB. The general has a lucrative private sideline in providing beautiful and untraceable, young women as sex slaves to a number of immensely wealthy men across Africa and the Middle East. Never one to ignore a good opportunity, he also supplies extreme video tapes of some of the more stimulating interrogation and torture sessions to a very select and influential groups of very rich customers.
The General, and his friends, are well protected and anyone setting out to expose their activities places themselves, and their friends, in extreme danger. Unfortunately for her, and those connected with her, Carol Wainwright, a Human Rights lawyer working for an international relief organisation, doesn't realise the true extent of the General's power and influence.

1 – The General

The heat and humidity of late afternoon was barely stirred by the lazily circling fans in the Interior Ministry’s small conference room. The slatted blinds only served to emphasise the brightness of the African sun. The General had made sure that his visitors wer0e facing the window. The woman was on her feet, squinting blindly into the glare when she finally lost her temper.
’Your so-called government is a fucking disgrace!’ Carol Wainwright took off her glasses and peered, red-faced with anger, at the plump, toad-like figure of General Jonas Achebe at the other end of the oval table. The twenty five year old blonde lawyer’s angry stare also raked across the neatly suited figure of Oliver Tembo, the Minister for Internal Security, who sat impassively as though carved from polished black wax next to the General.
‘Torture, murder, convenient disappearances, anyone who lifts a finger or dares to say anything will find themselves wired up to the mains in some fucking cellar having their genitals fried...’ She turned back to the General, ignoring the other two men, one to her left, and the other by the door, both standing silently with their arms loosely folded.
They were the General’s minders, both aggressively fit, dressed alike in dark trousers and white, open-necked shirts; both carried automatics in shoulder holsters. Carol Wainwright had been aware of their crude sexual interest from the time she came in, knowing that they were taking their cue from their boss’s attitude, studying every movement of her body and undressing her with their eyes with a kind of knowing insolence. Damn them, damn them all, she thought, but someone’s got to say it...
Before either the General or the Minister could react, Carol’s companion, a tired looking man in a crumpled lightweight jacket and even more crumpled white shirt lurched to his feet to interrupt her tirade.


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Nov 17, 2019
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JA_086.zip (216.43 MB)

Womans Prison

Centuries before

The Viceroy consulted the Indian witch doctor about the meaning of the dream that was tormenting his soul. In it he saw himself naked and attacked by mosquitoes, leeches and snakes. He saw himself scratching the earth with his bare hands in the jungle while some obsessively sacred music tortured his ears.
The witch doctor looked into the Viceroy’s eyes and he saw a tormented man, a violent despot with a malicious and cruel soul. Uneasily he explained the dream’s meaning, that what he most sought he would find under the ground that the jungle grew from. That he had to renounce everything and be reborn, thus purifying his spirit that had been brutalised by ambition and hatred.
But the viceroy only understood that there, in the jungle, he would find what he most desired ... Gold!
His first order was to behead the witch doctor, nobody else should know of this revelation, and the second was to build the Mission in the jungle. He needed an army of men to get rid of the mud.
Since then, damnation has reigned over the evil place founded on crime and avarice.
Even today, the chimera of the Viceroy still lives on. They tell the legenof the Viceroy who found his fabulous mountain of gold. A mountain that he had buried under the mud just before the fever carried him away...
Five hundred years later and the place is even less hospitable if that is possible. The Mission is now a prison called the Sore in the middle of nowhere and jammed full of prisoners. A dreadful place where only the jungle and its creatures should live.
Two hundred wretches including men, women, jailers and jailed, live out their sentences there. Hardened criminals alongside terrorists and subversives opposed to the regime, all suffer under rigid discipline and at the whim of corrupt and murderous soldiers.
Officers and wardens are the filth of a society without law and order, subjugated by violence to the interests of the powerful drug trafficking cartels.
Nobody wants to go to the Sore; not even Governor Juarez is there because he likes it.
His orders are simple and they come directly from Dictator Tomoza: find the Viceroy’s gold and don’t let anyone out of the prison alive. In return for this, Juarez has the power of a god in the Sore. No one will ever question his acts.
This is the story of two hundred men and women who, in an inclement jungle and under the most rigid discipline, are still looking for the Viceroy’s gold.

‘I like your female smell, guerrilla girl. I wonder if your cunt smells as nice,’ he said with eyes fixed on the gap between the girl’s thighs.
Officer Aparicio raised his hand up her calf, to the knee where he waited a few seconds before continuing under the girl’s dress, going up the silky insides of her thighs...
Rosario clenched her teeth and let a pitiful sob escape her. Her ankles were chained to the other prisoners and she couldn’t close her legs no matter how much she tried.
‘Hmmm ... You’re moist ... Is it sweat or sex? No ... It’s not only sweat. What’s happening is that you’re a fucking revolutionary on heat. A dirty, horny girl who can’t think of anything other than a soldier’s cock...’
The girl whimpered desperately. A pair of thick and dry fingers with broken fingernails sank themselves into her sex.
‘What’s up Aparicio?’
The hand was quickly pulled away, as if it had been bitten by a snake.
‘I was...’ mumbled Officer Aparicio. ‘I was ... checking the detainee’s manacles.’
Agent Gutierrez had just come back from the bathroom and he smiled at his colleague as he buttoned up his fly.
Rosario, who couldn’t hold back any more, finally found the nerve to speak...
‘I need ... I need to go to the bathroom,’ she said to the recently arrived Gutierrez.
Officer Gutierrez chuckled and it made her tremble.
‘You don’t want us to let you go ... A terrorist with your record, it’s too dangerous.’
‘Please ... I can’t take any more...’ begged Rosario.
‘Why is she barefoot?’ Asked Officer Gutierrez ignoring the girl’s pleading.
Officer Aparicio wriggled uncomfortably.
‘Oh ... I hadn’t noticed. She would have taken them off while we slept. I’ll put them on her right away...’
‘No, leave it, I’ll do it’ said Gutierrez
Officer Gutierrez crouched in front of the girl and he also stroked herfeet.
‘They are pretty,’ he said looking at the hood, at the place where her eyes must be.
Rosario lowered her head. She couldn’t see Officer Gutierrez but his hands were speaking for him. That swine was looking at her lustfully too.
‘It’s a shame to cover such pretty feet with rubbish like this...’
‘Let’s change them for the old woman’s ones’ suggested Aparicio, his colleague.
Gutierrez looked at the old prostitute’s feet with a grimace of disgust. She was wearing a pair of very high red shoes, with long and pointy heels, typical of the Capital’s old whores.
‘I think you’re right ... They’ll look good on her. Isn’t that funny, a guerrilla girl with tart’s shoes on?’
The guard took the old woman’s shoes off and she didn’t even wake up, then he put them on the girl. They were a couple of sizes too small and he had trouble getting her feet into them ... But in the end he got it.
Rosario clenched her fists; her feet hurt like hell. The shoes were really tight and they twisted her feet downwards uncomfortably, into points. She couldn’t understand how anyone, even if they had smaller feet than her, could take even one step in them.
‘Better, much better’ affirmed Officer Gutierrez. ‘Now it’s just that the manacles are too loose for such a dangerous guerrilla girl. You could escape and continue to kill innocent people...’
The officer slid the cuffs down to Rosario’s ankles and unnecessarily tightened them until they were biting into her flesh. Then he undid the cuffs that held Amancio Verdugo and the old prostitute. Rosario was free of her companions in captivity but with the manacles biting and torturing her flesh.
‘You want to pee, guerrilla girl? Well, get up off your arse and follow me...’
Rosario tried, but she was incapable of standing up. Firstly because Amancio Verdugo was still snoring on top of her and secondly, and more importantly because she couldn’t rest her feet on the floor. As soon as she did her Achilles tendon was bitten into viciously by the iron manacles causing her unbearable pain.