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Spanking HD-SD Videos


Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Four girls and one bench (Shot in 4K with 4 cams) Censored - Miss Sultrybelle

Gemma received 48 with the cane on her bottom, 24 with the strap on her bottom and 18 strokes with the tawse on the back of her thighs.
Elizabeth received 60 with the cane on her bottom, and 18 with the tawse on the back of her thighs.
Lily received 72 strokes with the cane on her bottom and 6 strokes with the strap.
Ash received 100 strokes with the cane.
Everyone's panties came down to reveal their pussies. Some strokes are over panties.

This film was censored by c4s due to banned content, I had to cut 13 minutes, it was supposed to be 1 hour and 1 minute long, but it's 48 minutes long now. The last 10 minutes of the film have been cut off. This contained Elizabeth's thigh tawsing and the last part of Gemma's punishment. I had to cut Elizabeth's caning after the 33rd stroke. And I had to cut the after punishment close ups, which I always show at the end.

This was very severe!

Ashley Benson, Eat, Gemma Mc Bride, Lily Rosa, Miss Sultry Belle

File Name : 4_girls_1_bench_final.mp4
File Size : 3515.04 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:48:25

4_girls_1_bench_final.mp4 - 3.4 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Hailey Triple Play 6 - Clothes Brush Crying

This clothes brush is one of those special ' if a brush could talk' concepts. I bought it from an estate that had photos of the man who owned it back in 1929. He was a gentleman's attendant in a Ritzy hotel's facilities. It was a beautiful brush made of polished mahogany and the sting was definitely a painful,world-class affair...to say the least! You can tell by Hailey's tears and screams, just how painful that was. You also know as well as I do, that this brush was used on many a naughty bottom durning that time frame. I also told Hailey about the movie ' The Secretary' and the fact that since she had entered into these spankings as consequences for her actions, that she also needed to understand the obedience factor, that was involved after I assigned her tasks upon her return home.

File Name : Hailey-Triple-Play-6-Clothes-Brush-Crying.mp4
File Size : 108.6 MB
Resolution : 960x540
Duration : 00:10:11

Download k2s.cc - Hailey Triple Play 6 Clothes Brush Crying.zip - 108.6 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
DERELICTION OF DUTY (part 1) Eris Martinet

He lost my cane. We were at a femdom party, he was entrusted with holding my items. Airhead that he is, by the end of the night, my beautiful, brass handled, delrin one of a kind was gone! And what's more, when I informed him by text message he ought to retrieve it from the venue this past Saturday, he pretended he didn't understand. Disappointment doesn't even begin to describe it. I was furious. So I called Timmy over. Calmly informed him of his fate. And went ahead with with the application of correction.

BDSM, spanking, FemDom, Eris Martinet,

File Size : 334.9 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:05:40

Download k2s.cc - DERELICTION-OF-DUTY-1.zip - 334.9 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Spanktopia Pt1

Stevie Rose, Cupcake Sinclair, Apricot Pitts, and Dria Submits are all friends of mine and models I've worked with. They are also all housemates. In months passed, sometimes one of them has had to borrow money from one of her housemates directly, or from the envelope where they keep funds for either a rainy day or, as the case might be, a bender in Vegas. However, this plan doesn't work so well when none of them have enough money for their share of rent, their common fund has been depleted, and they are all short the amount they need to pay for November's rent. They didn't even figure this out until 12/3, two days after it was due.

Dria had previously borrowed money from me when she hadn't budgeted properly for her trip to New Orleans a month earlier, and rather than pay me back the money I'd sent her, she agreed to be punished on film for her irresponsibility. She suggested to her housemates that they see if maybe I might lend them the money they need, without having to be punished by me for their lack of communication with each other and irresponsibility. Yeah, right.

Part 1 begins with a brief intro, followed by a brief lecture to all four girls as they kneel, and then they're all put in corner time. Each girl is then taken out of the corner, one at a time, pinned over my knee, pants pulled down, given a severe hand spanking, and then sent back to the corner. This is shown for all four girls from the bottom camera angle, followed by the face cam of each girl getting her first spanking of the day, their day of punishment hell. After that, all four girls are in corner time again, spanked bare bottoms vulnerably exposed and on display. Then again, they are each taken one by one while the others remain in corner time, brought over to the couch, pinned over my knee, and severely spanked. But round two is mostly with the bath brush (I throw in some spanks with my hand for good measure). All four girls' bath brushings are shown from the bottom cam, then there is a brief slow motion montage of the same punishments, and then Cupcake's bath brush spanking is shown from the face cam. The face cam for the remaining three bath brushings are shown in part 2.

Apricot Pitts, Cupcake SinClair, Dria Submits, Loren, Stevie Rose

File Name : Spanktopia 1.mp4
File Size : 2.9 GB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:38:54

Download k2s.cc - Spanktopia 1.zip - 2.9 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The judge at home trouble in court part 3

The final part of the case before Judge Stern and she has discovered that the police officers, Dilon and Mila have concocted part of the case against Bella but not all. The only thing to do is to punish them all. The cane is the chosen implement and the girls know that they will be getting a real hard caning, mo messing about. They take it in turns to bend over the table to take their allotted number of strokes, different for all the girls and you do have to feel sorry for the prisoner Bella who took the most.

Bella Bird, Dilan, Mila Grant, Sarah Stern

File Name : spr-2040.mp4
File Size : 1.1 GB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:20:18

Download k2s.cc - spr-2040.zip - 1.1 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Siri becomes self aware and rats out your spanking fetish to your date and her Mom

Today is your big day! You have concealed your spanking & cell phone addiction enough to get a first date with Ms. Worthington's step-daughter, Allison. Once Allison gets in your truck, she gets tired of you using Siri on your phone to ask for recommendations and in frustration, she grabs your phone away from you and throws it. Somehow or the other, God forbid, Siri glitches out from the impact and becomes SELF AWARE, uncontrollably revealing your secret spanko habits, including your longstanding need and desire for discipline, the follow up visit with your psychologist for your spanking addiction, the spanking gear you would always secretly keep in your gym bag, the exact number of hours you spent watching spanking videos and MORE!

Allison asks you to bring her back home where Siri continues to reveal your secret spanko habits to both her AND her Mom. You deny it, hoping to keep it all under wraps, but Allison and her Mom make you sit on the floor and watch as they laugh at what they find in your spanking gear bag. Then, instead of throwing you out, they ask Siri what to do with you next... Siri directs them to have you undress while they both take turns spanking you. You are mortified but strangely turned on as you drop your pants in front of both of them, and take a sound spanking over their laps and also over the couch.

This is an entirely new level of discipline and embarrassment you have never experienced as you are soundly spanked and humiliated by Allison, her Mom, AND Siri! It will leave you humbled and rubbing your bottom! :)

After receiving this punishment, do you still get to go out with Allison?

Watch to see how it all unfolds!

(Editors note: The name "David" was used, but it is still very easy to envision yourself in his place)

Alice Sky, Katherine Worthington

File Name : Siri becomes self aware.mp4
File Size : 1.7 GB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:16:05

Download k2s.cc - Siri becomes self aware.zip - 1.7 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 9

Jane bends over the spanking bench, for nine hard strokes from my cane. "Thank you, Miss Svenson" she dutifully repeats, cringing in pain as my hard, left-handed punishment raises welts on her cheeks. Close up angle included.

Part 9 of 13

Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Miss Elsa Svenson, Tamsin Riley, Violet

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 9-HD.mp4 - 1.5 GB

Folder /All Clips/



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Winter power outage earns husband a Texas ass whoopin

I come home from work early to find a major power outage had occurred in our neighborhood. There was slippery ice all over the sidewalk and steps, our house was freezing and pipes were frozen. Our neighbor's generator was on but ours was not. Needless to say, this did NOT make me happy at all, as my darling husband had promised he would take care of all these precautionary measures to prevent these kinds of problems in advance like he does every year, but went out with his friends instead. He needed a reminder that by not preparing for the worst and completing his chores, he would be experiencing the consequences in more ways than one.

I confront him at the door and give him a good scolding as soon as he gets home, then send him to the snowy backyard by the woodshed to grab my three large, Texas sized wooden paddles out of the snow that I had laid in the cold outside and was chilled specifically for his atonement. He knows he is in huge trouble when these come out as it is for rare, "special occasions" like these that I use them.

With no mercy whatsoever, I have him place his hands face down on my straight back chair then I pick up the largest paddle and with both hands and give him an old school style paddling across his jean covered behind.

Next, I have him drop his jeans, and he gets more very real, old school style swats once again with my second paddle across his underwear to where he can barely stay on his feet. From there, I take him across my lap, jerk his underwear down, scissor lock him and he harshly gets it again on the bare bottom, this time blistering his behind hard and fast with my third paddle. I love him but want it to hurt so I can properly get his attention and he can learn the error of his ways. Even though he dreads being held accountable, he knows it actually helps him to be a better person.

He continues to whine, so I remind him of what it's like to freeze his ass off like what he's put me through for being so inconsiderate with his duties, so I grab some snow from the tray of paddles and shove it in between his ass cheeks. Then I proceed to slowly take my own belt off and I whip his ass some more to make sure I have given him the full attitude adjustment and motivation he needs. Finally, I send him back to our snowy yard with a very sore and reddened bottom on full display to finish his chores. I lovingly watch him at the door & remind him to not get too cold. It's always good to keep the family safe and WARM! ;)

Shot in a third party POV format (face of husband never shown) so you feel you are actually there and can fully immerse yourself as if you're the one getting spanked. A must have for your collection!

Katherine Worthington

File Name : Winter power outage earns husband a Texas ass whoopin.mp4
File Size : 821.5 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:09:40

Download k2s.cc - Winter power outage earns husband a Texas ass whoopin.zip - 821.5 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Spanking in the 1950's

Sky is Mr Rob's wife and has gone out with the girls and overstayed her time limit. She knew full well when she married Mr Rob what the rules were. One of those rules was his dinner was to be ready when he got home. When rules were broken they were dealt with by spanking. Sky is spanked over his knee first with hand over clothing and as each layer is peeled away the spanking takes a different perspective for Sky. After a good hard hand spanking on her bare bottom Sky is spanked with a leather paddle to drive the point home.

Mr Rob, Sky Terrapin

Spanking in the 1950s.mp4 - 461.2 MB

Folder /All Clips/



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Wedgie Slave Humiliation with 3 Girls - Colombina Production

A truly MASTERPIECE, our first Wedgie video with 4 girls! Me, Taki and Emily wedgies, spankings and dirty talks on the poor Alaska... she almost cry when we start to ripping her thong! Admire her beautiful perfect ass wedgied and spanked in all positions. Amazing video.

Taki, Emily, Alaska, Teresa

File Name : 3 Girls Wedgie Humiliation Alaska.mp4
File Size : 1018.57 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:08:20

3 Girls Wedgie Humiliation Alaska.mp4 - 1018.6 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
3 Girls Wedgie Fight in Pajamas - Colombina Production

If you love Wedgie content with Pajama girls in cutie thongs and barefoot: this video is for you! You can buy it without even look at the preview and then review it, you won't regret it. A long WEDGIE MASTERPIECE with every wedgies possible (Jock-lock, Hanging, 2v1 humiliation and more)... Amazing video.

File Name : Alaska Wedgie Fight and Hanging.mp4
File Size : 2256.43 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:18:40

Alaska Wedgie Fight and Hanging.mp4 - 2.2 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Atomic Wedgies Humiliation 2 - Colombina Production

Teresa and Dedalo are the wedgie slaves of policewoman Unicorn! They are completely submissive to her will and they let her atomic wedgie them with a lot of hard spankings. Plot twist at the end: they take revenge and hanging wedgie her... Amazing video.

File Name : Atomic Wedgie Slaves December.mp4
File Size : 2012.82 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:16:29

Atomic Wedgie Slaves December.mp4 - 2.0 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The BEST FF Figging Video by Miss Sephie - Cherry Cheeks

Parker's previous record with the ginger root is 3 minutes. She blows that out of the water with this one of a kind figging and spanking video, given by Miss Sephie! The ginger stays in for a whole TEN minutes while Miss Sephie spanks Parker's naughty bottom with a brush and her hand, plays with the ginger, and even drips hot wax onto her sore bottom! Watch the beautiful bottom jiggle as Parker whines, whimpers, and writhes in this unforgettable video! After the ginger comes out, she gets her big metal plug complete with warming lube to keep her feeling the burn!

Miss Sephie, Parker

The BEST FF Figging Video by Miss Sephie.mp4 - 1.5 GB

Folder /All Clips/



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Husband's holiday hot seat

My husband gets crabby when his family is over for holiday gatherings. It causes him to become lazy, ignore his responsibilities and revert to acting like a full on brat. I tried to be as patient as I could, but he surpassed the limit of my understanding. He knows there is no excuse as we've discussed this kind of thing before. He was made fully aware of the consequences and that this kind of behavior would earn him a harsh punishment with multiple implements to correct his behavior that wouldn't stop until I see tears. 10 different ones today, to be exact.

As soon as his family left, he knew he was in big trouble. With anticipation and dread, he stripped right where he was in the living room & got into position. I remind my devoted husband of his infractions, then take him by the ear straight across my lap for a harsh, OTK hand spanking. From there, I made him kneel on the couch with his bottom out and blistered his behind with my special punishment strap.

I knew his behavior today warranted the need to creatively get his attention even more in a way he wouldn't forget, so from there, I grabbed him by the ear and further whipped his bottom room to room where his infractions occurred. I reminded him that it's his obligation to keep me happy, but one way or the other he has to learn. From there, it was back to the couch to make doubly sure there was no question of his understanding. I spanked him with the wooden paddle, then put him over the arm of the couch with his bottom up, straddled his lower back & wore him out further with my acrylic paddle.

I wanted my final implements to leave the most lasting impressions of all, so I proceeded to put my husband back in a kneeling position on the couch, then added more to his lovely thrashed bottom with my remaining implements, leaving him completely humbled and docile from his impactful journey, but back on track to stay in line for the rest of the holidays.

Katherine Worthington

File Name : Husbands Holiday Hot Seat - HD 1080 v2.mp4
File Size : 958.69 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:13:13

Husbands Holiday Hot Seat - HD 1080 v2.mp4 - 958.7 MB

Folder /All Clips/



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 10

Bent over my spanking bench, Violet apologies repeatedly... but that won't help her now. The pain of my cane on her sore, spanked bottom nearly sends the poor girl into shock. After nine strokes, poor Violet's cheeks are striped raw, and I am satisfied she has truly learnt her lesson.

Multiple angles + close-up included.

Part 10 of 13

Danielle Hunt, Lucy Lauren, Miss Elsa Svenson, Tamsin Riley, Violet

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 10-HD.mp4 - 1.6 GB

Folder /All Clips/



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Atomic Wedgies Humiliation 3 - Colombina Production

NEW ATOMIC WEDGIES HUMILIATION VIDEO!!! This time Maria and Alaska are my new WEDGIE SLAVES! It's the first time for Alaska and infact you can hear her almost crying. Also Maria at one point couldn't handle the atomic anymore: her ass became so red. At the end you can admire their full ass naked and spanked. Amazing video.

Maria, Alaska

File Name : Atomic Wedgies Humiliation 3.mp4
File Size : 1346.93 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:11:04

Atomic Wedgies Humiliation 3.mp4 - 1.3 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dorothy's Strict Tutor Part One

Dorothy is lazy and inattentive at school, feeling that the whole experience is perhaps not really so important. This attitude applies particularly to Dorothy's homework. Her parents have retained the services of a private tutor, Miss May, who has thus far struggled to make much of an impression on Dorothy. Well, that changes today as we shall see as Dorothy receives a well overdue and rather thorough spanking!

Dorothy Burnett, Kelley May

File Name : Dorothy Strict Tutor Part One.mp4
File Size : 677.2 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:07:44

Download k2s.cc - Dorothy Strict Tutor Part One.zip - 677.2 MB
