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Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia Jane Rutheford in 'Tears at Bedtime' - FULL MOVIE - Strictly English Spanking Clips

To save herself from failing her grades, Amelia Jane has come to spend the weekend with her tutor, Prof. Ernest Templeton. He was most impressed by her latest essay until he discovered that it was available for download on-line from a cheaters essay web site. To make matters worse, Amelia Jane lies through her teeth when challenged about it and only confesses when he finally produced the on-line evidence that she had submitted anothers work. Now she has a whole weekend ahead of her of the Professors special brand of tutoring, all of it seeming to involve corporal punishment. He tells her he intends to cane her severely at bedtime but first he makes her write a new essay kneeling at the table with her skirt up and bottom stuck conveniently out for him to encourage her efforts with frequent spanks. After a few good hard slaps she throws a tantrum and throws the pen she has borrowed from him across the room. This display of temper earns her an immediate over the knee spanking with her skirt up & white knickers down. When she finally finishes her essay Professor Templeton makes her stand with her hands on her head, lifts up her skirt, takes down her panties & spanks her exposed bare bottom hard for every single error. Amelia Jane never seems to learn however, and before too long she cannot resist talking back and making inappropriate rude remarks about her Tutor. His patience at an end, the Professor tells her she needs a proper punishment. Amelia Jane protests that she has already been spanked, but the Prof tells her he is now going to show her what a 'proper' spanking is. She is hauled across his knee again for a long hard spanking & then sent to her room to correct the errors in her work. She decides to change her outfit first & then before she starts to do the work she can't resist checking her mobile phone for any messages. Unfortunately for her it is at this point that the professor decides to check on her progress. Finding her using her phone with no work done he makes her lie flat on the bed while he flays her bare bottom with his slipper. She is then made to kneel on the bed for more of the slipper followed by a good spanking with a wooden hairbrush before he leaves her to complete her work. An hour passes & she is feeling hungry. The professor has fallen resting in his armchair do Amelia Jane tiptoes past him & into the kitchen. She emerges with a sandwich but before she can escape back to her room he wakes up & she gets yet another bare bottom spanking. Finally the day draws to an end & its time for Amelia Jane to get the cane for the original offense of cheating, deception & telling lies. She expected only 6 strokes but her tutor tells her she will receive six of the best for each of the 3 offenses. Right from the 1st stroke it becomes apparent that Amelia Jane is going to have a problem getting through this ordeal. She finds it impossible to maintain her position & as a result she earns herself extra strokes. During the second lot of 6 she starts to lose her composure, her genuine tears making her mascara run. She gets a total of 24 strokes in all, which leave her genuinely sobbing real tears. This was not part of our plan when we set out to make this video, it just happened...

Amelia Jane Rutheford in 'Tears at Bedtime' - FULL MOVIE - MP4 version

Amelia Jane Rutherford

Tears at bedtime FULL MOVIE MP4 2000mps.mp4 - 1.1 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The step mothers story spr-2118 Spankingsarah

This is a film about love, hate and total regression for two grown adults. Violet has settled in to her new life with step-mommy Sarah and she is on her way to work when she gets a phone call from her Kali her step step-mom who she has not seen for years. She wants to know if she can come and stay but Violet tells her no way. Later that day she gets home and there is her step step-mom telling all sorts of lies to Sarah, well Violet loses the plot and attacks Kali. This earns her a real hard spanking in front of this horrible lady. Sarah then has a talk to her and gets the truth out of her. She returns to the sitting room after carrying out a knickers inspection on Violet and confronts Kali the step step-mom. This results in Kali going over Sarah's knee and getting her first real hard spanking, this is witnessed by Violet who encourages Sarah to spank harder.

Kali Redmond, Sarah Stern, Violet Haze

spr-2118.mp4 - 1.4 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Learning to Make the Grade - Cheerleaderspankings

Smitten is waiting for coach Johnny Lake to pick her up and give her a ride to Cheer Practice. He first lets her mother know that despite being one of his best girls in the squad, her place is in serious jeopardy due to her failing grades at school. This news is unsettling and upsets Smitten's mother (Miss Bernadette) who is appalled by her falling grades. Coach recommends using a leather strap that he found on his travels and is willing to show her how to use this implement of correction, but first, Mom takes the young lady over her lap for a maternal hand spanking. More shame befalls Smitten, as it is quickly discovered that she is not wearing any panties underneath that short skirt. Coach takes turns spanking Smitten on her bare, exposed bottom before she is placed over the couch for a leather strapping. He explains how to use this mean implement which is most effective at teaching miscreants a valuable lesson. In the end, Mother also has a go at strapping her naughty girl, who by now is contrite and embarrassed. promising to do better at school to keep her coveted cheer place.

Johnny Lake, Miss Bernadette, Smitten Sorella

learning_to_make_the_grade.zip - 707.5 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Spankings for the In-Laws Full Film - Punishments Only

Taking Luci out to lunch with her mother Anna and sister Charlotte was not a success. A notoriously fussy eater, Luci didn't like how her food came out, and proceeded to make a scene. With Luci loudly complaining and being rude to multiple waiters and bussers, Charlotte decided to throw a bucket of sibling rivalry gasoline onto the fire. Terribly embarrassed, Anna and I escorted the bratty girls back to my house.

Charlotte Cross, Loren, Luci Lovett, Miss Anna

Spankings for the In-Laws Full PO.mp4 - 4.0 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Lola's naked punishment (Caned, flogged and whipped) - Miss Sultrybelle

Lola has come to my premises to receive her first fully nude punishment. She is interviewed then told to strip completely. She firstly receives 15 strokes of the cane on her hands. Then she receives 20 strokes on her breasts with a a martinet. Then receives 30 strokes on her bottom with a cane. Then 20 strokes on her pussy with a heavy leather flogger. This is her first ever pussy punishment from Miss Belle. After the punishment she is interviewed again.

Lola starts off with a red dress then strips off completely. Miss Belle is wearing an olive green bra and a leather skirt.

Holly Hill, Miss Sultry Belle

Lolas naked punishment (Caned, flogged and whipped).mp4 - 1.6 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Lolas suffering - Miss Sultrybelle

Lola has been arrested but the person who arrested her was acting on false pretenses. A man had spotted beautiful Lola and wanted to see her suffer. She has been arrested by one of his employees. She is waiting in Miss Belle's office to hear what she has been charged with but instead she is told that she is there to suffer. She is going to be tied down and caned until she cries and screams. Lola says that she is tough and that she won't give them what they want. Miss Belle says that she is very experienced in causing pain. She is instructed to look into the face camera so that the boss can see her suffering.

The custom buyer asked for there to be an extra foot cam and so there are foot close ups as well as the bottom cam and face cam. It is firstly edited so that you mainly see Lola's facial expression at every stroke landing, then it is edited so you will see every stroke land on her bottom. She received 36 strokes in total. This was a severe and fast caning and Lola (aka Holly Hill) struggled with it.

Holly Hill, Miss Sultry Belle

Lolas suffering.mp4 - 1.2 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Product Review: Imprint Paddle-SLUT, M/f

Product demonstration of the Imprint Paddle - SLUT, by Evolved Desires. Nude Ava gets soundly spanked by real life Dominant Tubaman until she is hopping like a bunny.

ava_imprintpaddle_slut.mp4 - 82.8 MB

File Name : ava_imprintpaddle_slut.mp4
File Size : 82.8 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:03:11



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Bellington Academy Two part 9

for Mary, Maureen and Diana, the day from hell is about to get even worse. Before bedtime, the three girls must present themselves in their pyjamas to Miss Svenson, who is her full headmistress's uniform. She is clearly furious, as Maureen discovers as she is put over Miss Svenson's knee for a sound spanking, pants down. Three strokes of the cane complete her punishment.

Diana, Mary, Maureen, Miss Elsa Svenson

Bellington Academy Two part 9.mp4 - 141.2 MB

File Name : Bellington Academy Two part 9.mp4
File Size : 141.2 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:03:40



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Two Cheerleaders Tanned, Part 1-3 Spanking 101

2cheer_1_2_3.zip - 2.7 GB

Fake Cheerleaders, Real Spankings, Part 1-3 Spanking 101: The Clips

Tow fake cheerleaders, Sarah Gregory and Amy Fox, misbehave constantly and gets spanked, paddled, strapped and slippered with by strict Momma Katherine Worthington and Principal Tubaman

Fake Cheerleaders, Real Spankings, Part 1: As sore fake cheerleader Sarah Gregory rubs her stinging butt in time out, ditzy sister Amy Fox gets her turn over angry StepMom Katherine Worthington's knee.

Fake Cheerleaders, Real Spankings, Part 2: Naughty fake cheerleaders Sarah Gregory and Amy Fox get their bottoms warmed by strict Momma Katherine Worthington. Amy gets hers. This is the alternate angle.

Fake Cheerleaders, Real Spankings, Part 3: Their bottoms still tingling from the spanking Katherine Worthington administered, fake cheerleaders Sarah Gregory and Amy Fox are sent to Principal (and Sarah's real life Daddy) Tubaman for a paddling. Sarah is first to bend over.

Amy Fox, Katherine Worthington, Paul Rogers, Sarah Gregory



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Detention (Butt and Feet Spanking & Shoeplay Part Only)

(This is only the spanking part of a feature length clip called Detention available under the foot worship category. The full clip also features nylon foot worship, kissing and face licking)

A schoolgirl sits in detention writing out lines as punishment while her principle oversees. The principle has her sly, lustful eyes on the girl's beautiful nylon feet as she subconsciously slips them in and out of her well-worn ballet flats.

The girl complains about how long she has been there but the principle informs her she will ony go once she deems it fit. The schoolgirl has had enough at some point and says she is going to tell the school board and starts to walk out.

The principle pulls her back in by the hair, pushes her face into the table and pulls out a whip to spank her with. She spanks her hard as she yelps, so much so that the principle gags her with a ball gag before continuing. She whips her butt before moving down to her soles which cause sthe girl to flinch and squeal in pain.

The teacher then starts to soothe the girl's hurting feet with her long, probing tongue which strats to explore the nylon toes and soles of the poor girl who can hardly believe what is happening to her. But to make sure the girl doesn't get too comfortable she bites down hard on her toes or heels calling her to yelp again begore sucking and licking that sweet nylon again. She uses the girls feet for her own pleasure until she decides to shove the girl's face into her own nylon sole and makes her smell them. Then she makes her stick out her tongue and lick her sole too. The girl grimaces a sshe runs her tongue over her principle's smally nylon feet.

Her ordeal is not over yet though. The teacher then turns her over and starts to kiss her. The girl fights but she can't prevent her principle's lustful tongue from finding its way into her young mouth. She sucks the girl's tongue and pulls on her lips with her teeth and deep kisses her. She licks over her cheeks and nose and neck to mark her ownership of the helpless girl and kisses her some more before sending the girl on her way.

She warns her that if she breathes a word of this to anyone, she will be expelled from the school. Totally, indignant, the girl gathers herself together, her hair dishevelled and her face flushed and close to tears, she leaves the classroom in utter shame feeling used and humiliated.

Detention Spanking Only.mp4 - 1.4 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia Jane and the Tutor - FULL MOVIE - Strictly English Spanking Clips

We beieve this is one of Amalia Jane Rutherfords finest full length movies, maybe the finest, you be the judge. It recieved rave reviews and now we present it for the 1st time to download complete and uninterupted,(including the real life crying after the cane which was ommited from the initial release.) Thanks to faster broadband speeds and larger disc capacity we can now offer the full movie in a high quality of over 2000 kb/s.

Amelia Jane plays the part of a University Student in need of the specialist tuition that only Professor Ernest Templeton can give. Amelia Jane is the quintessential 'English Rose' with her impeccable ascent, gorgeous looks and a truly innocent vulnerable demeanour (not to mention a bottom just made for spanking,) Amelia Jane is everything we could wish for and more in a naughty young lady in need of strict and humiliating bare bottom corporal punishment.

The Professor wastes no time and soon entraps her in a situation requiring firm corporal punishment. He spanks her for lateness and door slamming, but worse is yet to come. He sets her an essay for homework and when she returns for her next tutorial he picks it apart sentence by sentence with each error earning her a further punishment. He makes her read it aloud to him and wit every mistake he makes her place her hands on the sideboard, bend over and stick her bottom out for a spanking. He lifts her skirt, pulls her white knickers up tight in her bottom cleft exposing her round bum cheeks and spanks her. 'You can't spank me for every sentence!' she exclaims. 'Why, are some of them good?' he retorts.

Stamping her foot she assumes the position yet again. After 3 such spankings, he tells her that it's time for more serious measures and he fetches a slipper, a leather strap, and a genuine lochgelly tawse. She is told to take off her skirt and bend over for the slipper. To start with she gets '6 of the best' on her knickers, plus 2 extra for arguing, and then her knickers come down for another '6 of the best'. Unfortunately she argues again and so holding her firmly round the waist, he gives her another 11. These swats are so hard and fast that they have her dropping to her knees! Kneeling on the floor nursing her poor sore bottom, she thinks it's over and tries to pull up her panties. He has not given her permission to pull them up and so she gets another 2 hard swats on her bare bottom before she is allowed up. Once she has re-gained her composure she is placed OTK and introduced to the paddle. After 2 dozen hearty whacks she makes the mistake of saying 'Can't we just do spanking?' her Tutor is only too happy to oblige and gives her one hell of a spanking of well over 100 good hard smacks.

Amelia Jane has already been spanked, had the slipper, the paddle and yet more spanking, but none of that prepared her for what was to come when she's 'introduced' to the tawse. Nervously she assumes the position, bent over the back of an armchair, naked from the waist down. The tawse is a genuine Lochgelly Tawse - 2 foot long, about 2 inches wide and 1/2'' thick. It's heavy and the end is split into two wicked tails. The Professor gives her bottom a practice swipe with it while he lectures her, to line up his swing. He repeats these light strokes half a dozen times letting her feel the weight of the implement before starting her punishment proper. She jumps nervously and asks if its going to be harder than that. 'Oh yes' he tells her 'Much harder, in fact about as hard as THIS!' and he lays in the first 'proper' stroke. She covers her mouth to stop herself crying out. 5 more cracking strokes follow and after stroke number 6 she asks if she can have a short rest. 'Let me know when you are ready for the next 6?' he tells her. 'No, I'll never be ready!' she screams, and 'Crack' she earns herself an extra stroke. To encourage her not to procrastinate too much he spreads her legs apart and runs the tawse up the inside of her thigh to her exposed cunt. Whatever she infers from this it has the effect of speeding up the process as she instantly says 'I'm ready'. She is made to ask for each of these last 6, a process that is speeded up whenever he runs the tawse right up between her well spread thighs. The tawse cracks into her yielding bum cheeks a further 6 times the last one being particularly vicious. It's clear that Amelia Jane will not want to repeat the experience in a hurry, but there is worse to come as he strips her naked and makes her bend over the back of the chair to receive the ultimate punishment - the cane. He makes her strip naked for the cane, she is supposed to get 18 strokes but due to her moving out of position she is awarded extras and in the end she gets 27 hard strokes of the cane that reduce her to tears (and they were real tears as you can plainly see).

Amelia Jane Rutherford




Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Lola and Kady bondage and beatings - Miss Sultrybelle

Lola and Kady have been sent to Miss Belle for punishment. They must take 150 strokes between them. Punishment areas are bottoms, thighs, breasts and pussy. They get to decide who takes what amount and on which body part. The implements used are canes, tawse, leather flogger and crop. They both struggle a lot with the punishment. Their arms are restrained above their heads and they are tied together for all of the punishment.

There is a bonus interview at the end.

Holly Hill, Kady, Miss Sultry Belle

Lola Kady bondage and beatings.mp4 - 1.3 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Extend the limits - Miss Sultrybelle

The custom buyer had instructed us that he wanted to extend the limits of the models. They are told they will receive 30 strokes with the strap on their bottom, then 30 strokes with the cane. There are a lot of fast paced bottom strokes, with authentic reactions from the models. Both models struggled greatly. At one point Miss Belle thought that they might not be able to complete their task.

They are allowed to decide how 50 strokes are distributed between their breasts and pussies. They have to write the amount down on a piece of paper, that only Miss Belle reads. At the end they are offered money to take more pussy strokes, but they declined. This is the most pussy strokes Miss Belle has administered. The implement for the breast is a tawse and the pussy is punished with a heavy leather flogger. There is no acting involved, this is real pain for money. Both girls are fully nude and exposed in the for sale video.

The marks are always real at my studio.

Gemma Mc Bride, Holly Hill, Miss Sultry Belle

Extend the limits.mp4 - 1.4 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
100 strokes Gemmas cruel ordeal - Miss Sultrybelle

Gemma has been falling short at work again and is punished by her boss Miss Belle. She receives 100 strokes of the cane. 70 on her bottom, 20 on the back of her thighs and 10 on the front of her thighs. She is wearing Agent provocateur underwear and strips down to just her suspenders and stockings during some of the punishment.

Gemma Mc Bride, Miss Sultry Belle

100 cane strokes gemmas cruel ordeal.mp4 - 1.1 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Will you please spank me spr-2136 Spankingsarah

Belle is very new to real life spanking having only tried it with her partner before in the bedroom. She is quite an out going young lady and she thinks it's something she could get to like but wants to find out and so she came to see Sarah. She has seen some films and has had dreams of what it might be like but what of the reality. It always starts over the knee and that's where she went. Spanked with her knickers pulled up tight into a wedgie she took the start quite well. Next the panties came down for a full bare bottom spanking which she took very well. Now will she do more for us.

Belle, Sarah Stern

spr-2136.mp4 - 1.2 GB
