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Spanking HD-SD Videos


Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The new staff member spr-1812 Spankingsarah

The house of correction has a new staff member, Amelia Jane Rutherford has fooled Aunty Katy into giving her a job as an assistant in her house of correction, not realizing that she used to be an inmate. She soon finds herself in trouble when she lets the establishment's naughtiest girl out for the day. Staff member or not, she has to pay the price and that means a good hard whacking on her bare bottom from the strong arm of Aunty Katy and the help of the institutions paddle.

Amelia Jane Rutherford, Cherry, Katie Didit

spr-1812.mp4 - 1.1 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Sassy Stepsisters Spanked - Cheerleaderspankings

Dolly and Willow are two close stepsisters and they do everything together. They love cheering for their school football team, going to the mall, and dating boys. Unfortunately, they also have something else in common, they both are failing miserably at school through lack of studying and focus which has now been brought to the attention of Miss Bernadette. The girls come home, happy and laughing but Bernadette confronts them both with the news that she knows all about their various, sassy misbehavior and poor grades. Without further delay, Willow is placed over the maternal lap and Dolly is told to comfort her stepsister as Bernadette applies her hard hand across the naughty girl's bottom, smacking her cheeks and turning them red. Poor Dolly can only watch knowing that she will be next in that uncomfortable position. Worse follows as Bernadette insists that Willow present her with the hairbrush and ask her to use it across her bare buttocks. This implement is mean and stings horribly, as the poor cheerleader yelps and cries out. The girls swap places and it is the turn of Dolly to face the same painful fate. This is a double punishment for two naughty, sassy stepsisters. Bernadette leaves them to console each other as they promise to be more focused on their studies from this point forward.

Dolly Mattel, Faerie Willow, Miss Bernadette

sassy_stepsisters_spanked.zip - 738.4 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia Jane's first spanking audition - Part 3 - 1980 x 1020p HD widescreen - MP4 version - Strictly English Spanking Clips

Amelia Jane's first spanking audition in 1980 x 1020 HD widescreen Part 3.

Amelia Jane Rutherford (AKA Ariel Anderson) demonstrates her excellent acting skills yet again in this 3rd improvisation for her spanking audition. This time she has been told to act as a stroppy demanding spoilt brat who needs to be brought down a peg or two, so beloved of spanking fans. First though, Suzi Martell interviews her briefly while she gets changed and we get to see her breasts for the first time. Then it's back to the action as she excels herself acting the brat and soon finds herself on the wrong end of Richard's cane, followed by a very sound over the knee bare bottom spanking and then another dose of the cane.

Presented here for the first time in 1920 x 1080p digitally enhanced HD format it's a must see for all true fans of Amelia Jane/Ariel. MP4 version.

Amelia Jane Rutherford, Uncle Richard

AJR CLIP 3 MOVIE MP4.mp4 - 1.6 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Amelia Jane's first spanking audition - Part 4 - 1980 x 1020p HD widescreen - MP4 version - Strictly English Spanking Clips

Amelia Jane Rutherford (AKA Ariel Anderson) having just been caned, thinks that her audition is over but Richard tells her 'Not quite yet.'

He reminds her that in her earlier interview, she mentioned an encounter she had with her PE master, and Richard suggests that she might find it therapeutic to it out.

'Are you offering me therapy?' she asks. Richard suggests that he should assume the role of her PE teacher and they can improvise a scene in which he has to punish her for not doing well enough with her exercise routine. Amelia strips down to just her panties and Richard puts her through an exercise routine ending up with her having to lie on the couch with her legs in the air while she does bicycle motions with her legs and he encourages her by using a slipper on her bottom. He judges her efforts unsatisfactory and makes her stand up and bend over touching her toes for more of the slipper.

Presented here for the first time in 1920 x 1080p digitally enhanced HD format it's a must see for all true fans of Amelia Jane/Ariel. MP4 version.

Amelia Jane Rutherford, Uncle Richard

AJR CLIP 4 FINAL MP4.mp4 - 921.4 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Samantha Woodley Exemplary Student - Full Movie - Strictly English Spanking Clips

This movie length Access All Areas compilation shows all three of the superb spankings Samantha Woodley got from Prof. Templeton in widescreen 1920 x 1080p definition. This MP4 version of the first 3 parts previously released here in WMV format also benefits from additional enhancements to the picture quality, hence the large file size, but we hope you will agree that it was worth the file size.

Samantha Woodley has been invited to receive tutoring from Prof.Templeton but she is hesitant as she has heard rumors that he spanks his female students. He explains that this would be most unlikely in her case as she is an exemplary student, and in any case, he only ever employs corporal punishment with the consent of the student. On the basis that she could always refuse punishment and leave his tutorial group, she agree to be tutored by him, but as she leaves she says that she cant help but wonder if he is more interested in her behind than her mind.

Prof. Templeton is indeed more interested in her bottom than her brains and when he dozes off he dreams of giving her a really good bare bottom spanking of well over 300 hard spanks. In reality her work is so good that even after several months he has found no reason to spank her.

Her latest essay however is not so good and only earns a grade B. He tells her that had it been a B minus then they would not just be talking about it, implying that he would have needed to spank her. She quizzes him about how he goes about spanking his females students, asking if he takes down their panties and what does he do if the offence is more serious. He tells her that the cane applied to a girl's bare bottom is highly effective.

She then lets rip, jumping up and telling him loudly that she can no longer come to him each week wondering if she will get a spanking. He tells her that if that is how she feels, she is welcome to leave his tutorial group. She says 'Fine' and storms out. only to return a moment later and say, 'I cant believe that after all the time we've spent together that you don't care enough about me to spank me!' and with that she slaps his face!

She takes a step back with a fearful expression on her face, realizing she has gone too far. He simply takes off his jacket, sits back on his chair and says 'Samantha Woodley, get over my lap!'

The professor made it clear right from the start that he only spanks girls with their consent and they are always free to decline and leave. Samantha could have simply left at this point but no, she meekly steps forward and places herself over his lap. While this is clear evidence of her consent for him to spank her, he makes absolutely sure by asking her 'So you want a spanking do you?' to which she replies in a trembling voice that he can barely hear 'Yes Sir'

He slaps her on her tight skirt and then try's to lift it but it is just too tight, He tells her to stand up and remove her skirt and although she appears to have a bit of a strop, throwing her skirt on the floor, when he says that she needs a bare bottom spanking, she again says 'Yes Sir.' more clearly this time leaving us in no doubt that the spanking she said she was dreading is in fact exactly what she now wants, and on her bare bottom if you please. Maybe she has 'Step-daddy issues', maybe she is weary of always having to be a star pupil, a good girl, but the clue is in her earlier outburst, 'I can't believe you don't care enough to spank me', she needs to know he cares!

Back over his lap her spanking recommences in earnest, and what a spanking it is. Part way through he asks her again 'Is this the sort of spanking you wanted?' to which she makes no direct reply but simply says 'I'm sorry'. She goes on to add between spanks and 'owwws' that she is sorry she slapped his face and she will be a good from now on etc.

He pauses, tells her to look at him and asks her 'Are you really sorry?'

'Yes Sir' She replies and he seems pleased. She gets a final 24 good hard spanks and then he lets her up and allows her to pull up her panties. She sits on his lap and they share a few moments of tender aftercare showing her that he does care and her promising to be a good girl from now on.

Although this was a consensual spanking it is no less severe for that and the beautiful Ms. Woodley reacts with all the 'owwws' and grimaces you would expect when a naughty girl is properly punished with a really good hard spanking on her bare bottom. At the time it was happening she clearly regretted having her spanking wish granted, but afterwards there was no regret or recriminations, the air had been cleared, and she knew that he did care.

In the final spanking scene Samantha's work has been so good that she has not been spanked again by Professor Templeton since that one time some months back when she all but asked for a spanking by slapping his face.. She knows that poor work will earn her a spanking but her work has been exemplary. She has just earned another grade A for her last essay but as she leaves she teases him saying 'It's a shame because I put on some really nice panties today in case I got spanked'

It seems that Samantha actually wants another spanking, so the following week she writes a really poor essay on purpose and just t make sure, she dresses in a really short skirt which she knows he won't approve of. Sure enough, the Prof. not only marks the essay a B minus, but he also sees right through her ploy to earn a spanking, which makes him even more angry, that she should submit poor work just to get spanked. For her part she is still convinced that he really wants to spank her and cannot understand why he has not contrived to do so again himself, she sees this as a rejection, this girl has some unresolved issues we think. Anyway, she gets her wish, and then some. This is a very good hard spanking indeed that has her squealing and kicking, but at no point does she ask him to stop, which is really a giveaway that the Professor was right to think she wrote a bad essay just to get another spanking. Well you know what they say, be careful what you wish for because her attitude might just get her more than she bargained for as the Professor tells her that the cane may well be next.

Re-mastered from the original camera tapes for the first time in widescreen 1920 x 1080 HD format. Samantha Woodley Exemplary Student - Access All Areas - Part 1, 2 and 3 Full Movie - 1920 x 1080

Samantha Woodley




Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Unfinished Business 1

A few weeks ago, my student Bernadette was caught running away from school in a skimpy red dress. Her punishment was so severe and embarrassing that she thought the matter had been resolved, until being told to report to my office this morning. Cowering outside my door, twisting her hair with fearful fingers, the poor girl might say she can't imagine anything worse than what already happened, but don't let those pretty eyes fool you.

Recalling her first punishment, Bernadette removed her slutty little dress to reveal lingerie, garter and stockings, none of which are part of the approved student uniform. Reaching for my cane, I administered a set of stingy stripes on her outstretched palms, before making her lay back on my desk, legs up and spread apart. Judging by the trampy ensemble she's wearing, Bernadette had fully expected to be in this position, just not for a punishment caning on the backs of her floozy little thighs.

Elsa Svenson, Laura Lux

Unfinished Business 1-HD.mp4 - 2.7 GB

File Name : Unfinished Business 1-HD.mp4
File Size : 2739.97 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:19:29



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
The long lost step-daughter spr-1821 Spankingsarah

All is going well with Sarah at the Manor until a young beauty turns up at the door claiming to be the long lost step-daughter of Lord Stern. As Sarah is just on the point of doing away with his lordship she does not want this girl coming and inheriting his money. The nastier side of Sarah is on show as she rants at the young girl and then tells her the only way she will get into the house is as a servant and all her servants get beaten so she better get used to it starting with a good OTK spanking from the housekeeper.

Amelia Jane Rutherford, Cherry, Katie Didit, Sarah Stern

spr-1821.mp4 - 1.0 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
A Little Late for Sorry - Cheerleaderspankings

Gigi has been sent home from cheer practice in disgrace because she had been caught stealing from the girls' lockers yet again! Her stepmom was waiting for her as she had been informed by the coach who she promised would punish her to her full extent to prevent this from happening again. Gigi knew she was in trouble seeing StepMom brandishing the heavy wooden hairbrush and the next ten minutes would be humiliating and painful, but she only had herself to blame! She takes her position over the maternal lap and her bare bottom is spanked while she is scolded and reminded of how her poor behavior has serious consequences. She apologizes profusely but it's a little too late to say sorry as she then takes a mean hairbrush spanking that has her squirming and struggling. Her bare buttocks turn a dark mottled shameful red and is told it is her final punishment regarding this matter or the authorities would be involved in the future. she is left one sorry-looking young lady, nursing her aching bottom as she reflects on the consequences of her behavior.

Gigi Lea, Miss Bernadette

a_little_late_for_sorry.zip - 721.9 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Unfinished Business 2

A few weeks ago, my student Bernadette was caught running away from school in a skimpy red dress. Her punishment was so severe and embarrassing that she thought the matter had been resolved, until being told to report to my office this morning. Cowering outside my door, twisting her hair with fearful fingers, the poor girl might say she can't imagine anything worse than what already happened, but don't let those pretty eyes fool you.

Recalling her first punishment, Bernadette had just received a caning on her palms and the back of her thighs, and now the little runaway is made to stand perfectly still for a hard caning, high up on the front of her thighs. She may be clad in harlot hosiery, but sexy time has now turned into a sting operation. Bracing herself against the edge of my desk, she nearly collapses after every stroke.

Elsa Svenson, Laura Lux

Unfinished Business 2-HD.mp4 - 1.6 GB

File Name : Unfinished Business 2-HD.mp4
File Size : 1621.45 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:10:49



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
I need a real mommy punishment part 2 spr-2239 Spankingsarah

It's another day and poor Kitty has been tasked with writing some lines. She is dressed only in her little lady white vest and knickers. Sarah Stern knows that brats absolutely hate having to sit still for long periods of time and write the same thing over and over again. When this hateful ordeal is over Sarah decides Kitty should go and get the spanking chair and once more be subjected to an over the knee spanking but this time with a difference. The smacks start with Kitty in the traditional over the knee pose but Sarah decides that it will be more painful if Kitty is placed in the diaper position whilst still over the knee. Not only is it more painful, but it is a very humiliating position to be in as it is so revealing. The slaps also land on very tender areas which are not usually on display. When the spanking is over, Kitty is told to sit under the table on her very sore bottom with her hands on her head.

Later that evening we see a furious Sarah Stern dragging Kitty into the house. Despite being warned, Kitty has been having another loud party and keeping everyone awake. Sarah has been to her house and told her in front of all her friends that she is going to get punished for bad behaviour.

Kitty feels humiliated! She is a grown woman but as she has agreed to be taken under the care and control of Sarah, should have known that her behaviour would be dealt with immediately. Sarah scolds her and tells young Kitty that she is lucky the spanking is being carried out in private and not in front of the other party goers. A quick hard over the knee spanking is given to Kitty before she is told to go upstairs, change out of her adult clothing and come back in her childish pyjamas. When a contrite and sorry Kitty comes back downstairs she begs to be let of anymore punishment but it is to no avail. She is once more placed over the knee and spanked soundly. Firstly onto the seat of her pyjamas and then onto her bare bottom. She is then instructed to go upstairs to bed and we see her climbing the stairs with her bright red bottom on display and her knickers around her knees.

Kitty Quinzell, Sarah Stern

spr-2239.mp4 - 755.9 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cheerleader and schoolgirl wedgies - Cheerleaderspankings

In this special custom film, Sarah the cheerleader is making fun of Dolly the schoolgirl. picking on her and giving her several panty wedgies as part of her "fun" for wearing the wrong panties. Not long after, Miss Bernadette arrives hearing the commotion and has Dolly show her the wedgie but realizes that she not wearing regulation knickers and gives her a big wedgie of her own and has the disgraced schoolgirl stand in the corner, skirt up, on full display. Sarah is also wearing inappropriate panties so she receives an embarrassing wedgie too, as receiving a humiliating spanking with them painfully pulled up her crotch. As the girls were fighting, Miss Bernadette believes both of them to be guilty so Dolly faces the same humiliating punishment as she is spanked over the teacher's lap with her panties pulled up tight from her crack. The girls are left to stand in front of the blackboard, their sore bottoms and wedgied panties on display. once Miss leaves, the bickering girls attempt to out-wedgie the other with panties pulled as far as they can without breaking!

Dolly Mattel, Miss Bernadette, Sarah Gregory

cheerleader_schoolgirl_wedgies.zip - 862.6 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Dirty nurse gets spanked spr-547 Spankingsarah

This is the continuation of spr-546 where we watched as Nurse Kat seduced the mail nurse on the stairs. Now she has to face her employer who listened to the whole thing from his bedroom. To say he is a little upset is putting it mildly; he is real mad and determined to deal with Nurse Kat. He gives her a real tongue lashing before getting her over his bed and then over his knees to give her the first and only spanking of her young life. This girl sure does learn her lesson, a very painful one that she will never forget.

Mr Stern, Nurse Kat

spr-547.wmv - 172.6 MB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Absolute obedience - Miss Sultrybelle

Lola is made to strip naked and she endures many different punishments. 5 of the Canadian prison strap on her bottom, 25 with the heavy leather flogger on her pussy (Completely exposed and close up angle), 20 on her breasts with a tawse, 40 on her bottom with a cane, 5 on her hands with a tawse and nipples clamps on her nipples and on her pussy.

You don't see Miss Belle during the punishment. You see the implement and lots of close up angles of Lola only. This is because the custom buyer prefers men to do the punishment and he requested this.

The clip contains full and exposed nudity.

Holly Hill, Miss Sultry Belle

Absolute obedience.mp4 - 1.6 GB



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Bellington Academy Two part 3

Miss Matthews now takes centre stage to deal with a far more serious disciplinary matter - the theft of alcohol from Miss Svenson's cupboard! Diana is put across Miss Matthews' knee and given a good old-fashioned walloping on the bare bottom, with the hairbrush to finish. Her legs kick in the air as her bottom reddens.

Mary, Maureen, Diana, Clara Hewitt

Bellington Academy Two part 3.mp4 - 331.0 MB

File Name : Bellington Academy Two part 3.mp4
File Size : 331.02 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:06:24



Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
Product Review: Holey Paddle, M/f

Adorable Ava Nyx, jaybird naked, takes a paddling with the super-stingy Holey Paddle from real life Dominant Tubaman in this sexy and informative product review.

ava_holeypaddle.mp4 - 91.5 MB

File Name : ava_holeypaddle.mp4
File Size : 91.5 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:02:15
