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Old Classic Porn Movies, Vintage, Retro XXX (19xx-1999)

Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
I'm No Dummy / (Charlie Diamond, Filmco Releasing)
Cast: Taylor Leigh, Stacy Nichols, Trinity Loren, Taylor Wane, Joey Silvera, TT Boy, Tom Byron

Being a window dresser can be a cut-throat business, so sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do, even if a woman has to show him how! When a fine young mannequin becomes real, being a dummy is the best thing you can do!

Video: 640x480 (4:3), 29.970 fps, AVC
Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 01:23:15
FileSize: 1.28 GB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Indian Lady / (Cindy Lou Sutters, Gourmet Video)
Cast: Debbie Truelove, Toni Reenee, Jerry Davis, Andrea Martin, Rick Valenzio, Sunny Summers, Kelly Mathews, Harry Moran, Angela O'Day, Starr Johnson, George Beaumont, Charles Antony, See Star Bios...

Her name is Debbie Truelove, a lusty lady of mystery. She's half Indian, half American, and all nympho! Wearing her favorite pair of roller skates, she rolls in and out of countless arousing situations, beginning with a hot photo session that gets out of hand when the horny shutterbug seduces two gorgeous models. Then, Debbie leads us through a typical day for her; filled with enough girl-girl encounters, group gropes, and outrageous couplings to satisfy even the most jaded fan! So, wanna crawl in her teepee, or what?

Video: 352x288 (1.222), 60.000 fps, MPEG-4 Visual
Format: AVI
Duration: 01:09:51
FileSize: 490.1 MB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Inside Pussycat / (Cooper Brothers, Something Weird Video)
Cast: Becky Sharpe, Lde Love, Lilly Foster, Orita De Chadwick, P. Vance

Fear not. filth fans. Inside Pussycat more than picks up the slack. Conducting an experiment on "classic schizophrenia" for his doctorial thesis, a swinging hepcat drops some drugs on a handful of repressed college chicks, leading to squeals of pleasure. Later on, the shocked coeds watch themselves in action on the film. ("Wow! Is that really me? That's disgusting!").Inside Pussycat is a keeper. It's shot, edited and directed eons better than most Golden Age flesh feasts. Better yet, the cast of shapely party dolls contain some potent eye candy (including gorgeous LILLY FOSTER, of Liz Mama's Little Girl and Orita De Chadwick of Shool for Dead Girls). Unlike the usual human debris that haunt these early 70s skinfests. there are no pimples, needle marks, surgical scars, protruding nose hairs or diaper rash on view.Just a pulsating palace of pubic hair so soft and fluffy you'll want to reach into the TV and run your fingers through it.

Video: 576x432 (4:3), 29.970 fps, MPEG-4 Visual
Format: AVI
Duration: 00:54:07
FileSize: 700 MB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Internatsgeheimnisse junger Madchen / (Gerard Kikoine / Ribu Film)
Cast: Marilyn Jess, Ulrike Maas, Sabine Sachon, Brigitte Verbecq, Dagmar Merkel, Connie Cramer, Peter Kwapinski

Hallo, lieber ribu Klassikfan, f?r Evi, die junge Br?nette mit dem knackigen gro?en Busen, war es schon immer etwas Besonderes, ihrem Stiefvater beim Onanieren behilflich zu sein. Christine dagegen, als k?hle blonde Schwedin, hat immer das Pech, bei Gewaltt?tigkeiten zu verlieren. Da? Christine einmal direkt miterleben darf, wie ein P?rchen den Analverkehr bis zum Exzess durchf?hrt, ist dem Zufall zu verdanken. Auf dem Weg ins M?dchenpensionat hat Christine wieder einmal Pech mit den Gesetzesh?tern. Sie versucht, durch ihr geiles Geschick einer dummen Situation zu entkommen. Kaum hat sie es geschafft, wird sie Zeugin einer nicht allt?glichen Fickerei. Der Pensionats- Direktor versucht, eine Sch?lerin zum Bumsen zu ?berreden. Es wird eine wilde Fickerei die etwas entgleitet. Sp?ter, als alle Sch?lerinnen dem Unterricht folgen, schleicht sich die schwarzhaarige Israelitin Pascale unbemerkt zum immer bereiten G?rtner, um sich in die Fickerei einf?hren zu lassen. Es klappt besser als geplant. W?hrend des Aufkl?rungsunterrichts im M?dchenpensionat kommt es unter den Sch?lerinnen zu lesbischen Ausschweifungen. Von der Anschauung angeheizt, beobachtet die blutjunge br?nette Karin den Reitlehrer, wie er die strenge dickbusige Lehrerin im Lehrerzimmer zum Orgasmus zwingt. Karin erpresst gemeinsam mit der dunkelh?utigen H?uptlingstochter aus Nigeria den Reitlehrer. Dieser l??t sich auf nichts ein und spie?t beide M?dchen mit seinem Penis auf. Claire, eine Streberin des Pensionats mit einer Figur, die niemand erwartet hat, wird endlich einmal gefickt. W?hrenddessen zeigen 4 maskierte M?nner Christine, wie es gemacht wird - und das geile M?dchen Christine saugt und saugt, fickt und fickt. Es wird eine Orgie.

Video: 352x288 (4:3), 25.000 fps, MPEG Video
Format: MPEG-PS
Duration: 01:22:16
FileSize: 827.5 MB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Jet Sex / (Dino, Dino's Blue Movie) Anita Feller
Cast: Anita Feller and lot of others but I don\'t have the full cast list...

A movie from german label DBM. Anita is getting her head shaved in this movie and she looks absolutely gorgeous with her bald head.The whole movie is pretty nice, we can she how her master shaves her bald and 2 scenes end with guy(s) cumming on her shiny head Of course we also have some orgies, lesbian action, anal, anal fisting, etc.

Video: 704x528 (4:3), 25.000 fps, MPEG-4 Visual
Format: AVI
Duration: 01:06:17
FileSize: 636.4 MB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Johnny Wadd / (Bob Chinn, A.P. Pr?duktions, C.A. Productions (II))
Cast: John Holmes, Andrea Bellamy, Sandy Dempsey, Patti Lee, Gerard Broulard, Bob Chinn

Holmes plays Johnny Wadd, who is on a case of a missing girl. The film basically takes place in one room as suspects to girl's friends and family enter in Wadd's beach pad asking him about the girl and having sex with him as a down payment for finding her. There's some outdoor shots like when he asks his informant Minnie the mooche about any abduction, to a blazing battle sequence with Ramone narrone.

Video: 720x480 (4:3), 29.970 fps, AVC
Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 01:11:31
FileSize: 1.48 GB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Josefine Mutzenbacher - Wie sie wirklich war 2. Teil
Cast: Leila Vigso, Sascha Atzenbeck, Marion Brandmaier, Siggi Buchner, Anderl Bauerl, Sylvia Engelmann, Karine Gambier, Jane Iwanoff, Dolfi Kauer, Ernst Kraus, Hans-Peter Kremser, Rosl Mayr, Harry Miller, Erwin Neuhauser, Bruno Rudits

Video: 720x544 (4:3), 25.000 fps, MPEG-4 Visual
Format: Matroska
Duration: 01:36:35
FileSize: 2.42 GB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Josefine Mutzenbacher Die Hure Von Wien / (Hans Billian)
Cast: Diana Siefert, Effie Balconi, Elisabeth von Ihering, Gabriele Fimmers, Gabriele Strasser, Maria Dieter, Michaela Muick, Petra Nerad, Petra Seibert, Vanessa Velvet, Yvette Estel

Der Film erzahlt die Geschichte der weltbekannten, wienerischen Hure Josefine Mutzenbacher. Mit Graf Bobby fangt es an, der seinen Sextrieb stets hemmungslos auslebt. Nun aber soll geheiratet werden, um endlich
fur die adelige Familie einen Stammhalter zu produzieren.
Das gefallt dem Grafen Bobby uberhaupt nicht und er gibt sich kurzerhand als "verkehrtherum" aus. Die Familie schickt ihn daraufhin zu einer Kur der ganz "besonderen Art", zur stadtbekannten Wiener Hure Josefine Mutzenbacher
was Graf Bobby um so mehr begeistert, zieht es doch eine Reiche hei?er Sexerlebnisse nach sich.

Video: 688x470 (16:10), 25.000 fps, AVC
Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 02:10:25
FileSize: 3.87 GB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Keisha / Real Men Do Eat Keisha / (Adele Robbins, Vidco)
Cast: Cherrie Sylvan, Keisha, Nikki Randall, Tami Lee Curtis, Jerry Butler, Johnny Nineteen, Mike Wilde

Put on your sex bib and get ready for a full-on sexual smorgasbord with that darling dumpling of the D-Cup set, Keisha! She's more than just an appetizer! She's an erotic entree! Dig in!

Video: 640x480 (4:3), 25.000 fps, MPEG-4 Visual
Format: AVI
Duration: 01:15:44
FileSize: 702.9 MB

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Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
La Rage du sexe / (Jean-Claude Roy, Alpha France)
Cast: Carolina, Danielle David, France Lamay, Francois Sallier, Elisa, Thierry De Breme, Dominique Aveline

Anna, Secretary, push away the advances of her boss that attempts to seduce her. He then falls, remains immobile, and don't give anymore signs of life. Terrified, believing she killed him, the young woman flees and fails in an isolated hotel and desert held by a strange young man which it casting its spell over at their first meeting. Transferor to its sexual whims she discovers a world she had never suspected...

Video: 720x480 (3:2), 25.000 fps, MPEG-4 Visual
Format: AVI
Duration: 01:24:01
FileSize: 1.25 GB

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Nov 6, 2020
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Last X-Rated Movie 1,2 (Cecil Howard, Command Video)

Scene 1. Beverly Glen, Joey Silvera
Scene 2. Nina Hartley, Eric Edwards
Scene 3. Renee Summers, Eric Edwards
Scene 4. Stacey Donovan, Tasha Voux, guy, Paul Thomas, Tom Byron

Video: 640x480 (4:3), fps, VC-1
Format: Windows Media
Duration: 03:55:01
FileSize: 3.3 GB

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Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
Let's Get It On / (Alex DeRenzy, VCA)
Cast: Tom Byron, Mauvais De Noir, Jamie Gillis, Amanda Jane, Keisha, John Leslie, Amber Lynn, Shanna McCullough, Melissa Melendez, Dick Rambone, Joey Silvera, Brittany Stryker, Katie Thomas, Ashley Welles

What do you get when Amber Lynn and nine other luscious sex superstars act out their wildest fantasies? Alex de Renzy has the answer - and this film is the result! De Renzy has outdone himself with this tour-de-force of truly titanic proportions

Video: 720x566 (1.272), 29.970 fps, AVC
Format: Matroska
Duration: 01:24:10
FileSize: 1.29 GB

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