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Lesbians make real heat!


Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Der Erste Urlaub

Der Erste Urlaub

General info:
Duration: 1 h 24 min
Genre: All sex, anal, DP
Year: 2000
File size: 1.31 GiB
Resolution: 576 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: Going on vacation is a spectacular way of relaxing. On this island, the ladies are loosening up by getting their tight pussies fucked on the beach, in the resort, in the dining room and other exotic areas. Resisting the urge to get your freak on during vacation is simply ridiculous, but having two treats at a time like in scene two is sooo much better.
Models: Adele, Denise Le Bouche, Naomi, Natascha (Monika Sommer), Sandra Russo

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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The Girls Next Door 2

The Girls Next Door 2

General info:
Duration: 1 h 59 min
Genre: All Sex, Feature, Couples, Affairs & Love Triangles
Year: 2020
File size: 1.37 GiB
Resolution: 480 x 854
Format: MP4

Description: Three female con artists are excited when a man with a huge life insurance policy finally drops dead and one of them is listed as the sole beneficiary. But, when law enf-rcement starts investigating potential fraud, the women begin scrambling. To cover their asses the women work their charms on everyone that could potentially protect them from getting caught, but as time goes on - one major issue comes to the forefront - when you have three con artists all working together, should you ever worry about who might be conning whom?
Models: Reagan Foxx, Evelyn Claire, Aaliyah Love.

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Private Movies 1: Sex Slider, Shag A Rama

Private Movies 1: Sex Slider, Shag-A-Rama

General info:
Duration: 1 h 34 min
Genre: Feature, European, Sci-Fi, Anal, DP
Year: 1999
File size: 1.45 GiB
Resolution: 544 x 720
Format: Matroska

Description: While travelling in a parallel universe, space beauties Dru Berrymore and Caroline, along with companions David Perry and Christian Christoph, encounter a world where any couple caught having sex is summarily sent to a re-education center. They connect with an underground resistance movement led by the gorgeous Cassandra Wilde and her henchmen, Nick Lang and Frank Majors, to battle the beautiful but evil female dictator, played by Nikki Anderson. It isn't long before the cosmic cum begins to fly! The film winds down in the Private sci-fi spectacular as two of the men succeed in seducing Andersson and with the help of Wilde's resistance fighters, return this unusual world to the joy of sex before "sliding" on to another universe filled with thrills and more daring sexual adventures!
Models: Nikki Anderson, Dru Berrymore, Cassandra Wild as Cassandra Wilde, Caroline Cage, Sheila Rossi as Shilla, Noemi, Offilia, Jenny, Chris Charming, David Perry, Frank Major, Freddy Dalton, Nick Lang, Robert Rosenberg, Steve Holmes

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Sex Games

Sex Games

General info:
Duration: 2 h 6 min
Genre: Feature, Anal, Threesome, Foreign
Year: 2018
File size: 1.15 GiB
Resolution: 394 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: Malgré leur différence d'âge, Mia Malkova et Ricky Mancini vivent une histoire d'amour presque parfaite. La jeune américaine fait tout pour garder l'homme qu'elle aime mais, comme toutes les jeunes femmes de son âge, elle a peur qu'il aille voir ailleurs. Cléa Gaultier, sa meilleure amie, a le même âge que Mia mais elle est beaucoup plus sûre d'elle, et surtout célibataire, ce qui lui permet d'expérimenter aussi souvent qu'elle le veut avec de nombreux hommes. Cléa décide donc de prendre les choses en main pour aider son amie. Elle envoie Mia dans une agence un peu particulière tenue par Anna Polina et Marina Beaulieu. Les deux femmes sont de véritables professionnelles des jeux sexuels les plus pervers. Avec l'accord de Mia et de son mari, elles mettent en place un véritable jeu de piste dont les épreuves sont toutes plus hard les unes que les autres. Si le jeune couple accepte de se plier aux règles, ils dépasseront toutes leurs limites sexuelles mais leur amour y résistera-t-il ?
Cléa est une jeune femme très libre sexuellement parlant. Lors d'une soirée entre amis dans un club très select de Paris, elle n'hésite pas à se donner à deux inconnus sous les yeux de Mia qui, choquée, préfère quitter la soirée. La jolie blonde, à la fois troublée et excitée par ce qu'elle a vu, ne peut résister à l'appel du plaisir et s'offre à Rick dès la porte de leur luxueux appartement fermée. Anna, l'une des responsables de l'agence conseillée par Cléa est non seulement une experte pour mettre en place des scenarii pervers, mais également dans la pratique. Une fois Mia partie, la jeune femme décide de se relaxer dans les bras, et entre les cuisses d'une jeune débutante qui ne demande qu'à être formée dans une scène lesbienne très excitante.
La première étape de ce jeu pervers mènera Mia et Ricky au cœur d'une soirée très privée pendant laquelle Mia sera sodomisée par un bel inconnu tandis que Ricky l'attend patiemment dans une pièce voisine, sans se douter un instant de ce que fait sa copine. A peine cette épreuve passée, le couple reçoit une invitation pour se rendre à Venise, la Cité des Doges. Les deux amoureux n'étant quasiment jamais sortis de Paris, l'occasion est trop belle pour la manquer, mais à quel prix ? Après avoir visité la ville en amoureux comme il se doit, de nouvelles instructions les mènent dans une soirée bourgeoise. Au cours de celle-ci, ils vont vivre leur toute première expérience avec plusieurs partenaires. Autour d'eux, de magnifiques créatures se donnent sans aucune inhibition dans une véritable orgie mondaine. Alors que tout aurait dû les séparer, ces épreuves ont au contraire renforcé l'amour du couple.
De Paris à Venise, le réalisateur Hervé Bodilis signe ici le film ayant le plus gros budget de l'année pour un film X en Europe. Outre un casting d'actrices ayant déjà passé le cap de « star du X » telles que Mia Malkova, Cléa Gaultier, Anna Polina, Lucy Heart, l'allemande Anny Aurora ou la russe Henessy, vous aurez aussi l'occasion de découvrir de petites nouvelles telles que Melody Clark, Paulina Soul ou encore Izabella. Bien qu'elles ne soient pas dans le métier depuis très longtemps, ces jeunes femmes n'ont rien à envier à leurs ainées en matière de perversion et d'aptitudes sexuelles.
Models: Mia Malkova , Clea Gaultier , Anna Polina , Lucy Heart , Izabella , Henessy

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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41 ans, epouse adultere

41 ans, epouse adultere

General info:
Duration: 2 h 3 min
Genre: Feature, Blowjob, Oral, Anal Sex, MILF
Year: 2016
File size: 861 MB
Resolution: 456 x 720
Format: Matroska

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Sex Games

Sex Games

General info:
Duration: 2 h 5 min
Genre: Feature
Year: 2018
File size: 1.09 GiB
Resolution: 360 x 640
Format: AVI

Description: Malgre leur difference d'age, Mia Malkova et Ricky Mancini vivent une histoire d'amour presque parfaite. La jeune americaine fait tout pour garder l'homme qu'elle aime mais, comme toutes les jeunes femmes de son age, elle a peur qu'il aille voir ailleurs. Clea Gaultier, sa meilleure amie, a le meme age que Mia mais elle est beaucoup plus sure d'elle, et surtout celibataire, ce qui lui permet d'experimenter aussi souvent qu'elle le veut avec de nombreux hommes. Clea decide donc de prendre les choses en main pour aider son amie. Elle envoie Mia dans une agence un peu particuliere tenue par Anna Polina et Marina Beaulieu.
Models: Clea Gaultier, Anna Polina, Paulina Soul, Mia Malkova, Henessy, Anny Aurora, Lucy Heart, Melody Clark, Alberto Blanco, Kristof Cale, Ricky Mancini

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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A Hotwife Blindfolded 4

A Hotwife Blindfolded 4

General info:
Duration: 2 h 25 min
Genre: Affairs & Love Triangles, All Sex, Blindfolds, Couples, Erotic Vignette, Hotwife, Romance, Wives
Year: 2019
File size: 1.01 GiB
Resolution: 406 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: Hotwives Autumn Falls, Anissa Kate, Eliza Ibarra, and Ashley Lane are setting aside inhibitions to experience the most erotic encounter of their lives. Blindfolded, they submit to another mans control, anticipating what hell do next with restless excitability and insatiable lust . . . each thrilled to know it was all her husbands idea!
Models: Autumn Falls, Anissa Kate , Eliza Ibarra, Ashley Lane, Steve Holmes, Ramon Nomar, Chad White

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Swipe Right

Swipe Right

General info:
Duration: 1 h 56 min
Genre: All Sex, Feature, Marriage Woes
Year: 2020
File size: 1.33 GiB
Resolution: 480 x 854
Format: MP4

Description: Everything was going perfect in Patrick and Erikas relationship until she decided that it was time that they also live together. Having just left a 7 year marriage, Patrick wants no part of that. Erika gives him an ultimatum: move in or move on. In an effort to call each others bluff, both move on to the dating app world with disastrous results. Is it enough to make Patrick swallow his pride and give in? Hot sex and smart comedy mix seamlessly in Swipe Right.
Models: Bunny Colby, Britney Amber, Bella Rolland, Victoria Voxxx, Derrick Pierce, Ryan McLane, Lucas Frost.

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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NOT Traci Lords XXX: '80s Superstars Reborn

NOT Traci Lords XXX: '80s Superstars Reborn

General info:
Duration: 2 h 1 min
Genre: Historical / Period Piece,Parody,All sex,Threesomes,Facial
Year: 2016
File size: 1.63 GiB
Resolution: 404 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: What if today's top starlets were cast to portray '80s porn legends in a time-machine sex parody? Innocent Traci Lords sucks and fucks her way to stardom with Ginger Lynn, Amber lynn, Christy Canyon, Bunny Bleu, Nina Hartley, Samantha Strong, Nina DePonca, Kristina Barrington, Mai Lin, and John Holmes naked, on set played by the sexy performers of today in the most unique fuck movie ever. It's a hardcore historical gem! Angel Del Rey is "The Fluffer".
Models: Carter Cruise,Zoey Monroe,Lucy Tyler,Gaia,Cameron Dee,Natasha Vega,Angelina Chung,Ashley Graham,Courtney Shea,Mia Austin,Tyler Nixon,Anthony Rosano,Jay Smooth,Kurt Lockwood,Eric John,Richie Calhoun

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Curse of the cat woman

Curse of the cat woman

General info:
Duration: 1 h 10 min
Genre: All sex
Year: 1991
File size: 1.07 GiB
Resolution: 544 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: The city. A shapely shadow stalks the rain-soaked streets for sexual prey. Her appetite is insatiable, her desires savage. And in a world of mere mortals, her time has finally come. Selena Steele is the queen of this concrete jungle in a tale of raw lust and animal passions
Models: Selena Steele, Racquel Darrian, Patricia Kennedy, Ashley Nicole, Raven, Zara Whites, Alexandra Quinn, Tom Byron, T.T. Boy, Randy Spears, Marc Wallice, Rocco Siffredi, Derrick Lane, Jamie Gillis

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Sex Dance

Sex Dance

General info:
Duration: 2 h 41 min
Year: 2019
File size: 1.88 GiB
Resolution: 404 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: Cla, a young dancer, dreams of joining a prestigious dance school. But the competition is tough, and while her friend Amirah uses her charms to win her place, Cla injures herself during one of her auditions and has to give up her dream Now a stripteaser in a cabaret in Pigalle, the young woman loses her innocence, discovering a world of sex and perversion. But she also learns to make the best of her assets to stand out, and never loses sight of her goal: to finally live out her passion for dance. Exhibited before the eyes of her customers and indoctrinated into debauchery by colleagues even less ferocious than herself, tangled up in the club's back rooms and then submitted to the charms of a dominating female teacher, Cla is going to take a deep dive into the world of Parisian nightlife, only to bound back even stronger and less inhibited than before.

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Dark Angels 2: Bloodline

Dark Angels 2: Bloodline

General info:
Duration: 1 h 53 min
Genre: Horror, Feature, All Sex, Big Budget
Year: 2005
File size: 1.90 GiB
Resolution: 480 x 720
Format: Matroska

Description: The Fear...Is Back!
Draken (Barrett Blade) leads a band of vampires and mutant zombies on a bloodthirsty hunt for an elixir that holds the key to their immortality. In their desperate, final days they find it coursing through the veins of a young woman, Jesse (Sunny Lane), and once they find her they will stop for no man. Unless it's slayer Jack Cross (Dillion Day), whose sole purpose in life is to see to the extinction of the entire vampire race. The eternal battle between good and evil rages into the shadows of the night when an unforgettable classic is reborn. The fear is back!
Models: Sunny Lane, Barrett Blade, Dillon Day, Monica Mayhem, Evan Stone, Tyler Durden, Karina Kay, August, Destiny Deville, Tommy Gunn, Kirsten Price, Chris Webber, Ron Jeremy

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Chasin' The Fifties

Chasin' The Fifties

General info:
Duration: 1 h 19 min
Genre: Feature, Hardcore, All Sex, Couples
Year: 1995
File size: 1.49 GiB
Resolution: 480 x 712
Format: Matroska

Description: Ever just long for the "Good ol' Days"? Well, that's just what Chasey thinks we need. Jim Enright serves up this saucy little tale about life in the happy days of the 50's, through the eyes of the sex goddess of the 90's. Sound like fun? You bet your bobbi socks! Just think, how could life have ever been the same with a girl like Chasey way back when? So, whatta you waiting for? Pless play and find out.
Models: Chasey Lain, Jordan Lee, Amanda Adams, Lindsay May, Tiffany Mynx, Steven St. Croix, T.T. Boy, Colt Steele

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Die Verführung des Au Pair Mädchens

Die Verführung des Au-Pair Mädchens

General info:
Duration: 2 h 10 min
Genre: Feature, Big Tits, All Sex, Anal, Lesbians, Threesome, Sex Toys Play
Year: 2019
File size: 934 MB
Resolution: 406 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: Als die junge und hübsche Poppy als Au Pair in einer Mittelstandsfamilie eingestellt wird, dachte sie nicht, dass ihre Tage und Nächte viel geschäftiger sein würden als erwartet. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Paaren, deren Libido nach ein paar Jahren nachlässt, sind Anissa und Kristof immer bereit für neue sexuelle Erfahrungen. Die Ankunft dieser unschuldigen jungen Frau scheint ihnen sogar Ideen für neue erotische Spiele zu geben. Obwohl Poppy ziemlich unerfahren und schüchtern ist, wird sie schnell von dem Paar verführt und beschließt, das Geschäft mit dem Vergnügen zu vermischen, indem sie an den Possen ihrer neuen Bosse und ihrer engen Freunde teilnimmt. Das ist eine Berufserfahrung, die sie nicht vergessen wird.
Models: Poppy Pleasure, Anissa Kate , Mary Rock, Kristof Cale, Charlie Dean

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Ass Meeting (Ralf Scott, XY Video) Rita Cardinale

Ass Meeting (Ralf Scott, XY Video) Rita Cardinale

General info:
Duration: 1 h 24 min
Genre: All Sex, Anal
Year: 2000
File size: 783 MB
Resolution: 480 x 640
Format: MP4

Description: There are ass-licking, cocks in buttholes, threesomes, and sincerely ass-obsessive action. For those stretched out gapers with cum fillings and girls being taken beyond the limits of pleasure! These gorgeous women are indulging in pure debauchery and riding dick to high hell, no one's late for this ass meeting!
Models: Rita Cardinale

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Dirty Love (Ralf Scott, XY Video) Kelly Trump, Backey Jakic

Dirty Love (Ralf Scott, XY Video) Kelly Trump, Backey Jakic

General info:
Duration: 1 h 22 min
Genre: All Sex, Anal
Year: 2000
File size: 1.22 GiB
Resolution: 480 x 640
Format: MP4

Description: Do you like to get dirty when having sex? These horny girls just enjoy having their pussies pounded by hard cock! They like to get down and dirty and are willing to fuck anywhere! The first scene a couple meets up in a discrete location where they fuck standing up until the guy blows a load over the girl's tits. Next, a big tit chick is in the bathroom with a guy where they both perform oral on each other before the girls bends over on the tub and gets fucked ending in a load over her tits. A couple meets in an art gallery where they fuck in various positions before the guy unleashes a load all over her vagina and stomach. The last scene is tied with a threesome and another scene of a couple consisting of some oral, DP, anal and facial action!
Models: Kelly Trump, Backey Jakic

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Paris Chic

Paris Chic

General info:
Duration: 1 h 31 min
Genre: Feature, All Sex, European, Erotic Vignette, AVN Award Winner
Year: 1997
File size: 1.40 GiB
Resolution: 544 x 720
Format: Matroska

Description: Andrew Blake's paris Chic tells a decadent and sophisticated story of obsessive love in this lush and extravagant expose of the parisian sexual underground. French beauty Coralie plays an erotic filmmaker who falls under the spell of gorgeous young model Lea Martini. After becoming lovers, their relationship takes an unusual turn when Coralie asks Lea to become her submissive sex-slave. The erotic tension escalates until Lea reaches the breaking point... Filmed entirely in France and featuring Europe's top supermodels, Paris Chic portrays the seductive and alluring world's of fashion, film and sex. A visual feast for lovers of the female form. "
Models: Lea Martini, Anita Blond, Coralie, Taylor St. Claire, Eva Falk (NonSex), Tania Larivière (NonSex), Bruno SX, David Perry, Herve Pierre Gustave

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Golden Girls

Golden Girls

General info:
Duration: 1 h 28 min
Genre: All Sex, Blonde, Big Cock, Anal, DP, Group Sex, Big Boobs, Busty, Fingering, Lesbian, Threesome
Year: 2001
File size: 949 MB
Resolution: 480 x 640
Format: MP4

Description: Dr. Euro is pissed off at the world. Sexy Superspy Lula Bond must stop him. Armed only with an insatiable libido and the knowledge that the mad doctor's plot for global domination is in the depths of international waters. Lula's crack team of 18 luscious broads must use their wit, skill and, of course, incredible sexual proclivities to defeat the crazed kook. Hustler's Golden Girls is a campy, fast-moving, nonstop sexual spy-thriller.
Models: Rita Faltoyano, Julia Swen, Eric Masterson, Thomas Stone, Wendy Divine, Frank Gunn, Vanda Vitus, Renato, Frank Thring, Sophie Angel, Britney, Suzanna Wienold, Sandor, Betty Love, Lee Francis, Nannes Beaumont, Mallory, Chris Mountain, Christiane De Nerville, Christel Starr

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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It's a wonderful sex life (Great sex life)

It's a wonderful sex life (Great sex life)

General info:
Duration: 1 h 7 min
Genre: All sex
Year: 1991
File size: 1.04 GiB
Resolution: 480 x 720
Format: MP4

Description: R.J. dies in hotel room while making love, then meets his Guardian Angel, a gruff man's man named Skipper, who walks R.J. through the invents of his past sex life, hoping that he will learn from his misadventures.
Models: Teri Diver, Nick East, Bianca Trump, Tom Chapman, Devon Shire, Mona Lisa

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Vamateur VIP
Jan 20, 2020
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Free Ride

Free Ride

General info:
Duration: 1 h 29 min
Genre: All Sex, Anal
Year: 2003
File size: 986 MB
Resolution: 480 x 640
Format: MPEG-TS

Description: A desolate country road. A hot bodied hitchhiker. Sex so good it's almost...scary! Asia Carrera stars as a mysterious pick-up who changes the lives of everyone who takes her for a ride! Don't miss this triple-X take on the classic ghost story of our time!
Models: Asia Carrera, Steven St. Croix, Randy Spears, Eric Masterson, Dee, Wendy Divine, Mia Smiles, Flick Shagwell, Shaena Steel

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